Temperamental shift in females caused by increased testosterone levels stemming from big dick driven polyamory and excessive sexual intercourse. Leads to a reduced ability to pair-bond and leads to a shift in sexual selection choices (from "preference seeking" to agreeableness and stability). Tell me that I'm fucking wrong though shit-brains.
Iam "Did we do one on Dicked Down Syndrome already?"

Hym "Hmm? No... I don't think so..."

Iam "Then how did predictive text know that 'ability to' would be followed by 'pair-bond'?"

Hym "Hahaha! Even the predictive text knows it's true!"

Iam "We must have used that line before..."

Hym "I'm surprised we haven't used 'big dick driven polyamory' until now. Seems like we've been sitting on that on for a while. Just like the $10 and hour whore! Bah dum tss! HAHAHAHAHAAAA!!"

Iam "I'm serious though. If only 3% of the population have 'dark triad traits' and we don't know why women are attracted to them; how for you account for the other 7-17% of men who are hyper-attractive to women?"

Hym "You account for it with big fat cocks. They're attracted to 'dtt' because sometimes people with 'dtt' have fat meaty dongers and your daughter loves it. Hahahaha!!!"

Iam "I mean isn't it strange that he never asks what the commonality is between the hyper-successful men with 'dtt' and those without?"

Hym "Remember how she started crying when we called her a $10 whore to her face? HAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!"
by Hym Iam April 13, 2022
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The inability to provide sufficient sexual stimulation to one’s partner, usually a result of a below average penis length, girth, or function.
“Bro, Billy found out why he can’t give his girl an orgasm. The doctor diagnosed him with SDS.”

“What is SDS?”

“Shitty Dick Syndrome.”
by SneakyPorchSpook February 21, 2022
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When a persons skin has pale and brown spots like a dairy cow. The medical term is vitiligo.
The UFC homosexual Fighter Melquizael Costa has a Skin Disease. Does He Suffer From cow dick syndrome?
by Butt cleavage January 22, 2023
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borderline dick syndrome is when a guy drives you dick crazy. and all he does is ask for nudes
girl #1: omg brady keeps asking me for nudes
girl #2: omg he's giving you borderline dick syndrome stop texing him
girl #1: I can't he's just so cute😍
by dildochick2054 September 2, 2019
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A man with a large lifted pickup truck and loud exhaust.
James drives a lifted Chevy pickup with a muffler delete. I’m guessing he has short dick syndrome
by Thelostguy January 19, 2022
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When a man (most likely white) has to show off their toxic superiority by acting aggressively to overcompensate for their lack of manhood.

They will behave in such a manner that they believe it’s a public service announcement that people should know about that they have a small dick.

These men have developed a hatred for women that started with their own mother when she didn’t break it to them as a child that he will remain small for the rest of his life.

It is common for men with small dick syndrome to do the following;

- drive either a jacked up 4WD utility vehicle or a Holden Commodore
- does burnouts in residential areas in the rain or at 3am
- other throws his unwanted two cents on social media on how he is so much better than everyone else by treating those who he doesn’t perceive as “normal” as dog shit.
- abuse their intimate partners, including blaming them for their small dick

There’s many men today who have small dick syndrome cannot get over their mummy issues, are employed in toxic misogyny jobs such as politics, aviation, emergency services, military, trades, hospitality or professional sport.

Once a man with small dick syndrome has been called out for their behaviour especially by a woman, they find it an extremely touchy subject, because they cannot believe a woman can see through their bullshit.
*Stranger gives help on social media by commenting several times a similar post of their experiences of product or service*

Man With Small Dick Syndrome: Why do you care to even post the same thing on so many comments? Get over yourself you dumb bitch!

Stranger: I’m sorry that mommy didn’t break it to you gently enough for your fragile ego to cope that you have small dk syndrome.

We don’t need to know all about what you’re not packing.

Man With Small Dick Syndrome: Fuck you, slut, you sound like a person with an unhealthy obsession with my dick.

Stranger: No I am female, I can see right through your bullshit.
by FartLady77 May 23, 2022
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The condition which compells men, especially individuals named Oliver to overcompensate their lack of manhood by expressing they have a large penis or by overachieving in other areas, bodybuilding, for example.

That guys soo uptight, and mean to all women...
I bet he suffers from small penis syndrome
That guys soo uptight, and mean to all women...
I bet he suffers from Small Dick Syndrome
by Smalldicko42 November 22, 2021
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