Dr. Han is a very foreign chemistry teacher who will loathe you with all her gut if you forget to hand any homework in.
Dr Han made me wear goggles to wash me hands!
by Ags memes January 15, 2019
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Gavin: You read the Baudelaire essay where he's talking about mutiliating his unwitting sexual partners?
Hortencia: tw;dr
by The Reverend McCready August 26, 2016
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A Safeway bootleg bargain-basement knock-off generic drink that appears to be a xeroxed watered-down Dr. Pepper... but it really actually tastes more like a slightly watery Mr. Pibb---which also tastes like a Dr. Pepper rip-off.

Eh... it has it's charm.
I can't afford a can of Dr. Pepper. How about a two-liter jug of Dr. Skipper?
Dr. Skipper?!? He's a quack!!!
by ALL THAT DAMN DUDE TALK October 25, 2018
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someone who is being a real big dick and telling people what to do but what they are telling people is wrong
dave look at this dr dick face
by ice nort paint August 24, 2023
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Someone who is perfect and exceeds expectations in every possible way.
Bro, I think that guy is a straight up Dr Jeff man.
Yo! Thats sick dog.
by aebaadcode February 10, 2019
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Driving while texting.

A dirty way to SLAM driving and texting together!
I think dr-exting is more dangerous for the receiver!!!
by Juicy Gem May 13, 2011
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