Noun: the magic food no one actually likes, but it is necessary.
Noun: my name
Dave: I never eat the stale pop tart crust, only the magic inside.
Don: I do.

Dave: yea well you’re a creep.

Stale pop tart crust is the bomb at making definitions. He is useful.
by Stale pop tart crust January 1, 2020
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A saying used to illuminate the issue of letting pie go stale. Pie is used as a noun in this form, and refers to a conversation held by close friends. When someone says "Let's not let this pie go stale, they are saying in fact that they do not want this conversation to get boring.
Abby: ....
Bob: .....
Joe: I'm bored of this pie....
Abby: ...come on people
Abby: Let's not let this pie go stale!
by Kodiak The Bear May 26, 2009
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When you choke your girl enough to make her pass out, and then nut in her.
Guy 1: Dayum, u did the stale baked potato again last night?
Guy 2: yea man, I’m just like that
by Asianpersuasion1202 May 31, 2023
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a coon that has been so oppressed that he knows no better and is just used to the slave masters way
just saw opera that stale coon
by Special-T-419 May 8, 2020
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A backed up p**** fart, that b**** needs a douching,
"Stale queef" now that there is a stale p**** fart it could use a good douching right there, holy p**** fart, hey ledouche,
by Stale Queef November 19, 2020
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A boring uninteresting crazy psycho that seems to ruin everything good that ever happens to you
Calm down you stale fucking froot loop

Everything was good till you got here you stale froot loop

Goddammit you stale froot loop would you just like go? I've had anough of you
by Crazyfrootie112 April 22, 2017
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