Term used to describe the act of downing a drink in one.

"go on Ben, neck that beer"
by keefy83 October 20, 2005
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un cool
person 1: ima striaght up g
person 2: man u hella neck
person 3: i know get yo neck ass outta here
by Doug Brian April 28, 2007
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Used as emphatic suffix, -neck is used to amplify the meaning of any used adjective.
"Did you see my skills yo? They were fresh-neck, mang!"
by gl0tch July 5, 2005
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When you're getting blown so hard, it goes down her throat into her neck.
Shelia was awesome, I skullfucked her so hard we were necking.
by TheGoyWonder October 16, 2017
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The action of slapping (or necking)someone across the back of the name when they say/ do something incredibly stupid....it is distastefully overused at BullardHighschool(were the word originated)
and no matter how many times ya neck someone they
STILL continue with their stupid bidness!....neck on that!
Arielle: "this morning i wasn't paying attention and ran into a pole"

Kassandra: "NECK!!!!!!!"
(followed by a well deserved slap across the back of the neck)
by Hishimoko July 24, 2009
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The comedic action of hitting yourself/someone on the neck due to doing something unintentionally stupid.
Person 1: "Hey, what does 'name' mean again?"
Person 2: "That's a neck." They then slap (Person 1) on the neck.
by IntoxicatedBoy October 18, 2017
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A bad place to get stabbed. a new trend in California high schools.
Me:M-dawg stabbed me in the neck with a pen for no freaking reason
JJ: what did you do?
Me: I kicked him in the balls and yelled "PWND!"
JJ: dude, thats fucked up.
by r0flc0pt0r November 17, 2007
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