UDder Disappointment occurs when someone has tried time and again to get a phrase into Urban Dictionary only to meet with rejection. For example this can occur if they try to submit legitimate phrases such as Rape of Clowns which genuinly is the collective noun for a group of no fewer than seven clowns outside of the tradditional circus setting. Like charity collecting.
I felt UDder disappointment when the Urban dictionary rejected my submission Keith. I swear it's a real thing.... wait can you hear that, it sounds like the rattling of no fewer than seven collection tins, on this completely ordinary high street. Oh shit man there are eight of them, its a f**king Rape of Clowns man. Poseiden mocks me once more.
by King Simmo November 14, 2013
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To masturbate while high. Usually applied to men, but can be applied to women as well.
I smoked 10 bowls then went home and disappointed my mother.
Leaf hit twenty dabs and said, "Let's all go disappointing your mother."
by Titobanana February 11, 2014
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National Disappointment day falls on the 22nd of August. It is a day where the world's biggest disappointments are originated from.
Joe: Ugh tomorrow is National Disappointment Day
Lynn: Hey! tomorrow is my birthday
Joe: Exactly
by Josethemonkey June 23, 2019
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The passive-aggressive phrase your parents give as a sign that they are mad and regret having you because you’re a piece of shit(but they don’t want to say it aloud).
You know you fucked up bad when your parents say “I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed” after you’ve done something wrong.
by TAHDAH January 10, 2021
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Your father stands in the corner of the room. As you gaze into his eyes you contemplate the strike of the leather you receive for snorting your grandmother's ashes. He waits. He only says the obligatory phrase "I'm not mad. Just pretty disappointed." you never speak of the moment again...
Son, I'm not mad. Just pretty disappointed.
by ShutTheDoorQuick December 7, 2021
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