When you're so hyped up on coffee your body starts rejecting it. It can be confused with the flu if you've been around people who've had it (if you got your immunization shots then this would rule it out)

The next moment you're rushing to the bathroom holding your stomach for dear life,

"Damn it (ughplr) I'm coffee sick again
by Funnyjake2011 March 26, 2016
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"Seriously", "really", or "totally". Used mainly by middle schoolers. Appears to have something to do with "Bieber Fever", though the exact relationship is unknown.
There's actually sick legit going to be a new Bieber single!
by stormbutt June 19, 2010
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Sick to the point of having diarrhea, vomiting and a fever
I got the flu BAD this year, I was trifecta sick.
by Lexiphile January 17, 2015
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when. following food poisoning, the "food" exits both ends
I was so ill with the sicks and squits that I had to hold a bowl on my lap to catch the vomit when I was having a dump
by snigger67 July 24, 2017
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When one gets a handjob on a couch/ sofa in front of their friends parents
Yeah, he got a sea sick Steve in front of Emma's mum!
by Ryzo surprizo February 28, 2016
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