
A car lane at a major intersection where one has the rare opportunity to legally go right, left, or straight.
Driver: (rapidly approaching major intersection)
Shit man, I have no idea where to go. Wtf am I gonna do??

Me: No sweat man, its a triple-threat lane, you can do whatever you want.

Driver: Oh shit, a triple-threat lane?! That's fucking awesome!
by Limit531 November 25, 2009
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When someone hot is spending a lot of time with your crush. Especially by posting a lot of pictures on Facebook together. Usually doesn't end well.
Friend-"Man who's is that girl, she's so hot"
Me- "I don't know, but she's all over his Facebook wall. She's a threat level 1,000!!"
by jjjjjj1221 February 11, 2015
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The Triple H Threat consists of contracting the following all at the same time. Herpes, Hepatitis and HIV (also known as the herp, hep and hiv). VIA sexual intercourse, being bitten by a homeless person or when hanging out with the drummer of every time I die.
I was gonna kong this homeless chick living in a ditch last night, until she gave me the triple h threat!
by GOHO13 August 3, 2010
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The Miyagi triple threat is a unique way to pleasure your woman. It produces extreme and powerful orgasms for her. It is performed by licking her clitoris, while simultaneously rubbing her washboard or G-spot (Note: insert finger into her vagina and rub on the upper wall of her vagina and you will feel the washboard) all while rubbing the outside of her pubic bone, directly above your inserted finger in the opposite direction. (i.e. wax on, wax off for both hands). In a short time this will produce a mind blowing orgasm for her. WARNING: this method has been known to cause coital incontinence, so please make sure your woman empties her bladder before attempting.
Gave my girl the Miyagi Triple Threat last night, and man did she cum hard!
by TeamJimmy August 30, 2011
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jesuit party first night of winter break which stupid sophomore got screwed and were sent to the hospital ruining it.
Triple threat was the biggest party of the year.
did you go to triple threat?
by ptownpartier June 6, 2006
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When someone you vaguely know or hate sends you a facebook friend request and you don't wish to appear rude or unsociable by ignoring or rejecting the request.

This sometimes happens when you add a new boy or girl friend and their friend who you spoke to briefly at a party sends you a request. The requester knows that you'll be all over facebook informing your friends about your new romance.
You: That bitch Alice sent me a friend request
Bob: oh I don't see we have her as a mutual friend
You: I felt facebook friend threat so I'm just going to ignore it
by eneville July 26, 2010
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