10 definitions by eneville

This is a term used to when going to bed with someone. To make hay means to copulate in bed with a significant other, often not only for sex but for sleep too.
Her: ok I'm naked, time to make hay
by eneville June 28, 2008
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The perchanger is the 'child safe' word for vagina lips. This is often the choice phrase when needing to mention the lower parts of ladies anatomy in front of those who should remain oblivious to the subject matter.
Her: That cream is really burning my perchangers
by eneville September 11, 2011
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Facetech is a primitive method to communicate without SMS, VoIP, email or IM, in other words, just using verbal/sign face-to-face language. This method of communication is sometimes avoided as there's no logging of conversation so nothing to go back to on Monday morning when everything has been forgotten.
John: Bob isn't answering his email, I've tried texting and skype but he's not replying
Alice: He's over there at his desk, use facetech
by eneville August 27, 2010
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The common skin blanket is what's used during the winter months to assist your partner to keep warm whilst both parties are naked. Skin blankets are an excellent way to enjoy winter nights.

It's often best practised immediately before or after making love to ensure maximum warmth for both parties.
Her: Skin blanket
Him: No way, I'm off to work!
Her: Skin BLANKET!
Him: Ok, but I'm off in 2 minutes.
by eneville October 23, 2010
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When someone you vaguely know or hate sends you a facebook friend request and you don't wish to appear rude or unsociable by ignoring or rejecting the request.

This sometimes happens when you add a new boy or girl friend and their friend who you spoke to briefly at a party sends you a request. The requester knows that you'll be all over facebook informing your friends about your new romance.
You: That bitch Alice sent me a friend request
Bob: oh I don't see we have her as a mutual friend
You: I felt facebook friend threat so I'm just going to ignore it
by eneville July 26, 2010
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Stop Whinging And Get Back To Work. Heavily used in Australia.
Employee: This computer system sucks. We spend all day working around its bugs and we don't get things done.
Manger: SWAGBTW, we don't have money or time to fix it.
by eneville February 16, 2014
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iDislike is the automatic response someone makes when they're shown the latest gizmo in the Apple range, such as an iPad or iPhone. Most of the Apple electronic followers have become prone to buying anything with an 'i' prefix. The once interesting and curious has become dull and boring.
Them: Hey bro checkout my new iPad, its just like the iPhone I bought last week but bigger and not suited for outdoors.
You: oh yeah, iDislike
by eneville August 1, 2010
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