Masturbating in front of the mirror while wearing Sam's under pang....
You won't believe it! I caught Uncle Sauce "tackling fat ashlee" again.
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A woman's grossly deformed and stinky pussy after being gang banged by the whole college football team.
Guy 1: Hey I heard Mary is going to be at the party tonight...we should go I heard she likes the D.

Guy 2: Nah man ever since she hung out with the football team she hasn't been the same. I heard she's trying to nurse her Shrimp Tackle Box back to normal.
by BallBag909 February 11, 2016
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N. - A masturbatory session in the locker room preceding football practice.
Lydia: "Steve, why are you so worn out this evening?"
Steve: "Bait N' Tackle my lady. Now make me a sandwich."
by F one. J one. October 18, 2010
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The act of rapid sexual intercourse after a period of celibacy.
When we get home from your parent's house. I am going to Jamaican Love tackle you on the couch
by wordguru667 February 3, 2010
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a hug that makes everything better no matter the situation and makes the other hugs around it feel inferior.

the most badass hug in the world.
1:Dude! Did you see Mark super duper tackle hug Ansley?
2:Yeah man! I was so jealous that my hug couldn't be that great.
by Spidermark&Ansleybear November 18, 2009
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When someone gives you a big hug or jumps on you excitedly or powerfully, it's a super flying tackle pounce.
Some People were arguing. One of them jumped on the other and started beating him up. That's a super flying tackle pounce. You haven't seen a special person for a long time. you run up and hug them fiercely for a long time. that's a super flying tackle pounce.
by Mandelyn August 23, 2010
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