Where all of the snobby ass brats go to school. Don't be suprised to see kids vaping and fighting
Person: Hey, did you see the fight yesterday at Walsh Middle School
Person 2: Yeah dude, it was fucking crazy
by xXMintXx December 7, 2019
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When a person wears a plain colored shirt with no writing, pictures, or brand names/logos.
Man: Please don't pull a nick Walsh at my party? Don't you have any Abercrombie or something?

Other man: Nope, all my shirts are from walmart
by Soxfan69 March 14, 2011
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It's not 4 years... It's 4 life.
An all-girls Catholic school located in Morristown, NJ which features old and decaying nuns monitoring the halls. It is a place where ankles are scandalous and too many untucked shirts are grounds for expulsion. It is a place where they love to sing, and will use almost any excuse to burst into harmonic hymns. The lowest GPA for a class of 50 will be a 3.2, and the senior class will spontaneously erupt into fistfights to see who gets to attend BC, Notre Dame, and Georgetown. Losers will go to Loyola, Villanova, or Fairfield. Lunch costs $8, and consists of 8 oz. of "gourmet" mac and cheese. Breadsticks, due to increasing thefts, are an extra $2. This school also features a "penthouse suite" - previously nuns' chambers, these prestigiously located rooms are the current homes for the two most legendary and enlightened teachers at the school and their playful seeing-eye pooch, Pam (shout out to Reba). The grounds are extensive and beautiful, whether viewed from the bridge full of cacti or from wandering around outside. The school features a gazebo where you can sit but not eat, a funeral pyre placed before the tower (enacting pretend human sacrifices on this is frowned upon), and a statue of Mary that looks suspisciously like Jesus. Students who act up are punished by being made to run from the man-statue of Mary up the hill to the funeral pyre.
Often associated with Delbarton, other than sharing a bus to and from school, there is little association. Probably because everyone's too tired from having to walk up and down petruvious amounts of stairs all day long. Huge amounts of oddly shaped and spaced stairs.
A word to the wise: Don't kick a bible down the locker room. They don't like that either, and you will be smote.
Where can you find flame-retardant plaids aplenty?
Villa Walsh Academy.
by Villa Guerilla May 23, 2005
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A small, all-girls Catholic school located in Morristown, NJ. Its student population is very homogenous, mostly white and Catholic, and the girls are competitive, athletic, intelligent and preppy. The school is run by nuns, and the adjoining convent serves as the national headquarters for the Religious Teachers Filippini. Known for its emphasis on academics, especially math and science, uniform infractions, spring musical, abundance of singers, and its ugly white sweaters for chapel. It is the sister-school of Delbarton.
Oh, you go to VWA? You must be a Villa Gorilla.
by anonymous February 23, 2005
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An illness relating to supporting a poor Premiership team in Manchester. Despite having Campo and Okocha, Bolton will still never be as good as West Ham. Sufferers of DW Syndrome are aware of this on a basic level, but struggle to admit it. More developed strains of the sydrome see the supporter wish he supported both Wolves and Walsall. The illness was named after the most serious sufferer.
"I wish I supported West Ham as opposed to Bolton... NO! I DON'T! HE'S SO GOOD THEY NAMED HIM TWICE! LALALA!.....Mmmm Harewood is my hero...."
by Mixu Mixi Pattylinen May 3, 2004
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A school that every student loves to hate. Home to only two types of students: the insane overachievers who've never had a boyfriend and the slacker potheads who screw everyone in the county.

Class periods are either spent frantically taking notes or sleeping, depending on which category of student you fall into. The cool teachers enjoy messing with students' heads and the stupid teachers just try to keep classes under control. However, that is impossible. For every class there are roughly two troublemakers who can ruin any teacher's day and make any student's. These students never try but get good grades anyway.

Spirit days are the joy of every villa girl's existence, it gives them an excuse to look even stranger than they normally do.

Lunch periods are spent throwing things at each other or daring each other to eat whatever girls can put together. Sometimes a combination of the two ensues and the principal has to lecture the entire school on proper lunchroom etiquitte.

Another interesting fact of Villa life that nobody has mentioned yet are the masses. These are spent trying to see who can say the f word the most times without anyone looking over. Sometimes nuns see girls laughing at each other and give them The Holy Look of Death. These nuns are just angry because the girls got more action last weekend then they did in their whole nunly celibate lives. Nuns suck.

After school, students go to their various dorky clubs and take the bus over to delbarton. These bus trips are spent putting on makeup and hanging out the window, screaming their numbers at the athletic field. However, since they are Villa Gorillas, no one will ever call them. Ever.

Besides, Delbarton boys are all gay.
Villa Walsh Academy (VWA)- the biggest waste of tuition in the morristown area.
by pa blow November 5, 2005
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An all-girls school with ugly wannabes who think that they are Delbarton's sister school when in all reality, all the Delbarton guys hate them.
gorilla: heyyyy you're from delbarton.. you must like us villa girls

delbarton: *laughs and walks away*
by gorillaaa April 30, 2005
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