When you are kissing someone and you start sucking in your air to create an almost vacuum seal with the other person.
Did you just do the Kylie Jenner lip challenge, your lips are looking plump?
No, I have just been using the eastern slope suck as my favorite make out method.
by Zarbees October 23, 2019
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A social climber . Someone who hangs out in an environment or neighborhood more exclusive than their own.
Dude #1: Who is that guy, I see him everywhere lately.
Dude #2: I hear he still lives with his parents on Long Island.
Dude #1: Oh, a Park Slope poser.
by shakerrr January 19, 2011
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the act of slaping someone with your dick (for further information see cockslap ) and to cum whilst doing that. best time to do it is when your lady drank enough bräu.
Results may vary but in best case it looks like a realy tricky skiing slalom on her face
dude #1: we went to winter sports hollyday last year to wallberg in germany. at our first night in the hotel I gave my bitch a german ski-slope.

dude #2: High five, mein freund!
by Sugardaddy T February 27, 2008
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Affectionate term for a ladies private bits.
Bob's wife wanted their next door neighbour to slalom down her Pink Ski Slope. Unfortunately, she was out so she had Bob make his world record attempt AGAIN!!!
by Matalan Man September 2, 2003
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The act of taking a dump in someones sink, then covering it with shaving cream to hide it until someone (preferably the owner of the sink) uses the faucet.
I left a Singapore Ski Slope in Drunk Chris's sink last night. He was pretty pissed when he went to wash his hands this morning.
by Looty57 February 6, 2011
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mindless cmm chatter on a sick & twisted forum for lonely middle aged men
Slippery Slope Reasoning: But by deleting this thread you would create mass hysteria resulting in total anarchy which would drive healthcare costs up & by healthcare cost's rising that would in turn start a nuclear war within the states which would cause the republicans to keep control.
by spazus_maximus October 10, 2007
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