Lily’s are the most awesome people you will ever meet. They will become your favorite person instantly. They are so kind and friendly, they are courteous, cheerful and helpful all the time. They will make your day and love their family and like their friends. They love TACOS and PIZZA!!
“Did you see lily helping that person get up when they fell?”

“Yeah, she’s so amazing!”
by Yamommaa September 8, 2019
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very epic and swagger very funny and has great sense of style
guy 1: hey is that lily who is very cool and epic?
guy 2: yes it is lily who is very cool and epic!
by moth broflovski November 7, 2021
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She's basically the best friend anyone could ever have. At first she appears introverted and quiet, but after a while you will get used to her and she will get used to you. She feels free to be herself and is the funniest person you will ever meet. One strength she has is staying quiet and not complaining, which doubles as a weakness of not being able to stand up for herself.
Annoying girl: Wow, Lily, that shirt isn't very cute, you should go change.

Lily: Oh, okay...
by Babysitting my niece May 31, 2017
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Lily is a funny and intelligent girl. She can be really nice but get on her wrong side and you will know. She can totally kick-ass whenever she wants. She is wild and crazy when you know her but she find it hard to trust people.
by Badassbitch10 November 1, 2018
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Lily is the weirdest but nicest girl you will ever meet! She is very active, pretty, and funny. She is a great friend and sometimes can be sensitive. She is the kind of person that would wear a fishing hat to dinner or go on her roof at 3 AM. She is a great friend and can keep secrets. She also could eat a ten pound stake burger and still is as skinny as a stick. She will always stick up for her friends, so do not get on her bad side. If you meet a Lily don’t let her go!
“Lily were going to get in trouble, WERE ON THE ROOF!!!!
by November 7, 2019
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sexiest person alive that has brown eyes and brown hair shes tall shes been through some things like her best friend deleted her out of my life and she really is sometimes clueless but most times she has good ideas.
guy: I want lily so bad but she might reject me
girl: really you like that beach and not me wow good-bye
guy: she's not as beautiful as you
lily: what happened
guy: I like you lily
lily: okay and
guy: faints
by liluser69 April 13, 2019
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She is the best person you’ll ever meet. She is just stunning inside and out. Girls love her and want to be friends with her because she’s the nicest, funniest, most caring girl you’ll meet. All the guys want her because she’s a smoke show and she thicc as fuck. Anyone would be extraordinarily lucky to have a lily in their life. She’s on way of the most trusting people you’ll ever meet and she genuinely cares about you and loves you. She’s also the best girlfriend you can get! She has a contagious laugh and her smile is so beautiful. Her body is perfect; she’s really all around the sexiest girl you will meet. She’s also incredibly smart and athletic and good at everything she tries. Even though she radiates happiness and beauty in all forms she also has suppressed sadness that she keeps to herself. She’s beautiful.
Person 1: wow who is that she is so sexy
Person 2: sexy doesn’t even describe her she is other worldly

Person 3: that’s lily. She’s perfect.
by Eeeeeee eeeeeee September 2, 2019
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