Fruity Mejia’s are homosexuals named Diego, Victor and Luis that like having threesomes with each other although they are brothers. they do backflips onto each other’s penises then spin on it like a beyblade then they eat each other’s shit. They also fucked chabela and Martin for takis. They also ran a train on chino Gutierrez with a picture of Kim Kardashian taped to his face.
Aye homie you seen Victor, Diego n Chicharo Those are Fruity Mejia’s
by lfernandez229 May 27, 2022
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When multiple people jack off intona cup of juice
The last one to cum has to drink it
"Hey man, ive got some juice in the fridge wanna play Fruity Gulp?"
"Youre on!"
by Duccthatgoessucc June 13, 2021
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Colloquial name for 'fruity lexia', a type of cask wine popular in Australia. Name derived from the properties of said cask wine, particularly with young females.
We're off to the bottle-o to pick up some fruity legopener
by Tone DeBone December 3, 2009
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made by ratcatcherscoolwife on tt
fruity..gnf cult.
by ratcatcherscoolwife September 2, 2021
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the result of shoving ur left ball into yogurt sticking it in sprinkles and feeding it to ur partner as to satisfy her hunger
OH CRAP BOY that was an awesome fruity pebble!!!! i want more in the morning
by goddarnflippinman January 15, 2010
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Fruity Don can be used in a way of you saying that you feel quite ambitious or flamboyant. Something that is out of the ‘Norm
This is the way to use ‘Fruity Don’ or in the same case for yourself ‘Fruity’

*Does something not normal* “I’m feeling quite fruity today”

Or if someone else is saying it about

“You are bein one FRUITTYYYY DON today”
by HAHAHYHU April 30, 2020
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