wheelchair - when unable to remember this word I spontaneously uttered 'spaz bucket' instead. What a great thing the subconscious can be...
OMG, that woman's so fat she needs a spaz bucket!
by kryme76 December 7, 2011
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a gamer martial arts style that involves grenades and missiles and jumping and rolling every half second.
signiture move: missile jump earth breaker
i know spaz fu (throws a grenade, missile jumps, then grenades incoming airplane)
by Spaz De Kat May 8, 2009
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when a man is about to skeet and his cock spazzez out and shakes rapidly until the man has proceeded into a full blown seizure.
Teacher: "why are you late billy"

Billy: "I was jacking off last night, and i had a really serious cock spaz, and i was in a deadly coma until this morning."
by dilbaid4 April 25, 2009
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An electric scooter that is used by a disabled or lazy fat person.
"I just nearly got run over by the dude on the Spaz Chaz."

"Why don't you just trying walking instead of using the Spaz Chaz fatso."

"Check how fast that Spaz Chaz was going."
by Smelonpie December 30, 2014
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the bestest best mama in the whole world! her motherhood started b4 she was born, and she cant stop having those kiddies!!
Mama Spaz is my intimate mother who i luv to death!!!!
by gellyfish April 21, 2005
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It means to have a fit, whether it be epileptic or emotional. To forego rationality and opt for spasmodic movements, arms flailing, and utterances of an incoherent nature. Likewise, it is the behavior of people who get upset when they don't understand something.
Ignorant people will chuck a spaz when you pitch your latest theory on anti-matter and the black hold vortices. OR
I need some heroin now and if you don't give it to me I'll chuck a spaz.
by David Casey December 1, 2004
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