When someone walks up and take's yo shit
damn, man...that nigga just janked my ride
by Jack Mehoff November 27, 2004
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I janked her so hard she pooped scabs for weeks!
by Jankeyboys August 13, 2009
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Pretty much whatever you wanna use it as.

Life in General
"Hey Jack are you brining the jank to the party tonight?"

"Whats up with that jank?!"

"What type of jank is up with you?"
by Jenizzle Fo shizzle February 16, 2009
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verb; to steal anything from anybody, usually from a friend
example- Stop trying to jank my pop. He tried to jank my wallet but i stopped the bastard in his tracks.
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That is some kind of janke skirt she's got on.
by Rob Brinson January 20, 2007
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Being janked refers to being extremely fucked up, as in being extremely drunk or otherwise intoxicated.
"Man, I'm so janked."
"Yeah me too. I'm jankity janked"
by Messed Jessed August 20, 2009
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