Gypsy: GOT ANY CHUDS, MUSH??!!!!!!
Skank: Nah I Aint!
by DOODE September 19, 2003
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Possibly the world's most fascinating creature. Chud is an individual with a well cultivated imagination and powerful mind. ultimately, his name is short for Richard.
Noff: "Hey Chud"
by Andy June 30, 2003
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when a woman's bra/bikini top rides up and the underside of her breast is squeezed beneath the underwire -- no nipple is showing, just skin
ahhh! i hate this bra, it always gives me chuds!
by em&ME September 29, 2006
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A penis which is wider than it is long. Can also be used to describe a subject that is particularly weird/grotesque/"chuddish". Much to popular error, it is pronounced "Chudd", and not the alternative "Chode", which is completely incorrect. Words can also be added to the end of it, to create a new word which shows great literature and lingual skills.
Man: Did you hear about that Berty guy?
Friend: Yup, complete chud!

Man: Awh man that dog is a complete chud!
Friend: Yeh, more like a "Chud-dog"

Man: You see that movie "The Water Horse"?
Friend: What the one about the giant chud?

Berty:........what's a chud?
by Simon Alnaimi February 22, 2008
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(Chud) Any crude liquid or creamy based substance released from the body.
"Man, you sick! You about to chud?"

"I left some major chud in your toilet."

"You dick! You blasted me with chud!"
by Trevor Anderson January 19, 2005
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An erect penis that has had all pubic hair shaved from around it (including scrotum). Normally achieved with an electric shaver as opposed to a manual razor, to give a stubbly feel.

Male equivalent of minge
a) After I shaved my cock, she thrust that chud into her mouth.

b) She chomped my chud all night!
by elsmeghead February 9, 2011
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A chad and a stud combined, a total badass.
Person 1: "Look at that fucking chud!"
Person 2: "I know right, what a badass!"
by ajaajajajajajajaja May 13, 2020
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