A slightly more vile form of the word "rude". A combination of "crap" and "rude".
What's the difference between "rude" and "crude"?

Rude is when you throw your underwear against the wall. Crude is when it sticks.
by Ingram August 28, 2004
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a word that is over exploited on this website. crude in this case is when people put disgusting sexual acts under the definitions of foodstuffs like cookies, soup, & oatmeal.
Ice Cream Cone
a really sharp and jagged penis

Gummi Bear
a girls really big clit when she wants to fuck

Vanilla Ice Cream
another name for a girls juices

this website is full of crude perverts.
by gunslingergervy_c_e July 26, 2006
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Derived from combining the words "cruel" and "rude".
Your mom gave me a crude look when i walked into your house without knocking first.
by MeganPlays6uitar February 3, 2009
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to be crude is to be crazy-rude. This adjective can be used to describe a an action that is especially rebellious or rude. Some one who is crude is some one who has no regard for rules. True gangsters are very crude.
a person might say ' Yo bruv! Alex just boy'd some one off, he's so crude! '

Courtnee thinks she is crude - ent really

taking drugs could be an action considered crude
by apt10 November 25, 2009
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Interjection expressing unhappiness, esp. at one's bad luck. Derived from the Latin expression "O, fata crudelia!" ("Oh, the cruel fates!")
"Jim just dumped me." "Crude!"
by Tyrus June 3, 2004
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crudeness: , 1.vulgar or obscene behavior totally unacceptable to cultural norms, which generally lacks tact, taste and is seen as offensive.
Joe Blow's crudeness was appalling today when he banged that chick on the casket at the funeral.
by zombiedater January 18, 2010
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A word for a sexy beast that loves art, but can be annoying at some times and is also a nerd for photoshop
This kid is such a Crude, i love him so much.
by Jack Nickleson May 28, 2014
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