A school that every student loves to hate. Home to only two types of students: the insane overachievers who've never had a boyfriend and the slacker potheads who screw everyone in the county.

Class periods are either spent frantically taking notes or sleeping, depending on which category of student you fall into. The cool teachers enjoy messing with students' heads and the stupid teachers just try to keep classes under control. However, that is impossible. For every class there are roughly two troublemakers who can ruin any teacher's day and make any student's. These students never try but get good grades anyway.

Spirit days are the joy of every villa girl's existence, it gives them an excuse to look even stranger than they normally do.

Lunch periods are spent throwing things at each other or daring each other to eat whatever girls can put together. Sometimes a combination of the two ensues and the principal has to lecture the entire school on proper lunchroom etiquitte.

Another interesting fact of Villa life that nobody has mentioned yet are the masses. These are spent trying to see who can say the f word the most times without anyone looking over. Sometimes nuns see girls laughing at each other and give them The Holy Look of Death. These nuns are just angry because the girls got more action last weekend then they did in their whole nunly celibate lives. Nuns suck.

After school, students go to their various dorky clubs and take the bus over to delbarton. These bus trips are spent putting on makeup and hanging out the window, screaming their numbers at the athletic field. However, since they are Villa Gorillas, no one will ever call them. Ever.

Besides, Delbarton boys are all gay.
Villa Walsh Academy (VWA)- the biggest waste of tuition in the morristown area.
by pa blow November 5, 2005
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An all-girls school with ugly wannabes who think that they are Delbarton's sister school when in all reality, all the Delbarton guys hate them.
gorilla: heyyyy you're from delbarton.. you must like us villa girls

delbarton: *laughs and walks away*
by gorillaaa April 30, 2005
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An all-girls Catholic high school in Morristown, NJ run by old smelly nuns and filled with geeks and ugly losers with no social lives. A typical Villa girl is hairy and unclean and repulsive. Usually, Villa girls wish they were remotely as good looking, attractive, and fun as a St. E's girl. However, this will never be accomplished.
Seton Hall Boy #1: Is that a girl or a dog?

Seton Hall Boy #2: A Dog
by anonymous user April 30, 2005
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The fucking worst villa rica high sucks ass . all of them do drugs and skip . theres noo white people and if there is there ghetto .
friend 1 : ouhhh shes high key fine

friend 2 :she goes to villa rica high school
friend 1 : ooop nvm
by yaheardd November 20, 2019
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An all-girls school located in Morristown, New Jersey. It is run by smelly old nuns and is always compared with st. e's. Of course everyone is aware that the villa girls mascot was the knight a few years back, but the delb boys and shp boys started calling them the villa gorillas because they look like gorillas. (st. es girls are called st. easies because villa girls cant get boys even if they paid them so they think that st. e's girls are easy) They think they are too smart for st. es but the fact is, they made the gorilla their MASCOT. So now they smell, look, and are gorillas. St. E's beats villa ten out of ten times without cheating. Thats another thing, villa girls cheat in sports to win because they dont have the proper skill level to win farely.
St. Es Girl: Why are the villa girls called gorillas, i thought you liked them?

Delb boys: (laugh) pshhhhhhh they should in the zoo!!

Villa Walsh Academy (VWA) is a not a school, its a zoo.
by im not telling May 8, 2006
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Girls who are beautiful, kind, smart, and amazing people!
Wow they are definitely Villa Marie Academy Girls, thy are so nice!
by Sclark152 May 10, 2017
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Villa Walsh Academy. where the definition of a badass is someone who takes the elevetor without an elevator pass, and a slut is someone who rolls their skirt so it shows their knees and their knee socks don't cover their whole shin. Where excitement is finding a dollar, which will be spent on a bottom shelf cookie. Where there are 3 types of people: the crazy overachievers who are completely obsessed with villa walsh (true villa gorillas), the people whose parents forced them to go and are trying to make the best of it and failing miserably, and the ones who are barely getting by and screw the world. Where nuns roam the halls, and when the headmaster goes down the halls girls quickly unroll their skirts and tuck in their blouses. Where "facilitate" "corridor" and "student responsibilities" are used 300 times per morning announcement. Oh villa walsh academy.
by curly123456789 November 21, 2010
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