Ken and Marcus can't forking because they're smooth between the legs.

Boobie can fork though, because she has saran wrap.
by emcubed March 21, 2008
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when all guys lie together facing the same way
type 1: clothed
type 2: unclothed
Rarely do you see guys forking, especially type 2.
by oshlivia November 27, 2006
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1: another word meaning dork.
2: A dork just in another form
"Cory is such a fork!"
by Bitchness December 11, 2003
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To spoon with a skinny, boney guy, so that it's not smooth and comfortable like a spoon, but prickly and painful like a fork.
No way am I going to fork with Doug!
by Stevie Billy T December 1, 2007
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Spooning while clothed
They were forking on Trav's couch all through the movie
by fork ing September 1, 2003
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1.Being morbidly obese

2. Eating a lot of food

a reference to the deviant artist Forksporks
by nnarx August 5, 2022
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