A person(Most the time woman) Who wines and moans over stupid bullshit.
That naggy bitch needed some ducktape over her mouth!
by Lacesfaces March 9, 2008
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I gotta bust a bitch onto Nineteenth Street and head the other way.
by Anonymous May 21, 2003
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Someone who says nice things to your face but just the opposite behind your back. Someone you can't trust. Someone who talks about you behind your back or undermines you everychance they get.
by ALinWa March 16, 2006
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Bitch lasagna is a sexc ladie that won't send Bob and Vagene even after you asked nicely
That bitch lasagna Won't send me any Bob even though I call her sexc lik rain God
by Titty meat October 19, 2017
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1) A phrase used after an unpleasant or unfortunate event. Used to describe the way that life jumps out and bites you in the ass at an inconvenient time. Usually many negative events have happened in a short amount of time to make the user say this phrase.

2) Also used to show sympathy to a friend who the shit has happened to.
1) Shannon is pulled over by the police for a seat belt violation and realizes as he asks for her drivers license that her purse has been stolen. Shannon now receives a ticket for her seat belt and one for driving without a license. Shannon then might say "Life's a bitch."

2) Your friend: "I just got fired and my girlfriend left me."

You: "Life's a bitch."
by bookkeepper123 May 28, 2011
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A group of college girls walking through or around campus. Usually found in groups of 3 or more. There is one girl that is the "leader" and controls the groups direction and speed. Decisions proposed by other girls in the group are either confirmed or denied by the "leader". The other girls in the group are ranked by their proximity to the leader. The group travels either in a straight line or V-shaped formation(much like geese). The group is loud and sometimes obnoxious to show their power status and/or to attract attention from males of the same species. They are neither walking to or from class, for their true mission is still unknown.
The same gaggle of bitches keep walking around campus all day.
by thesilverbullet February 3, 2010
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