To kill all the opps or anybody associated with the other side
Aye Moe slime gonna slide on da opps
by Bigjanky May 24, 2021
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To knock someone out with one punch; to hit someone so hard that they slide across the floor
by leerch July 24, 2021
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To hit someone so hard that they seem so "slide" across the floor after being hit
This nigga talkin' mad shit! I'm about to slide his ass!
by Tethyseternal September 12, 2021
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Boy-you should really slide fr

by Mr.j5 November 3, 2022
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1 (v, movement) slide
tenses: slide (present and future), slided (past, US), slid (past, any other country)
def; slide 1-slang

A form of short language terminology used to announce one's intent to arrive at a specific location.

(synonyms {1}: pull up, show up and show out, come thru, drop in, step up)


1 (v, combat) slide
tenses: slide (present and future), slided (past, US), slid (past, any other country)
def; slide 2-slang

A common short language term used by an individual with the probable desire (male dominant) to intimedate, threaten, or come in harmful physical contact with a person whom either acts as the challenging party's opponent, or upon the instance that the aggrevator strongly dislikes- or hates the guts of- for any particular reason.

(synonyms {2}: run hands, run fades, throw hands, throw fades, square up, box, drop like 52 pickup, brawl, smackdown, fold, fold like an omlette)

1 verb, movement

"You remember that baddie, Denise? She finna be at that party tonight."
"Dog- you serious?"
"Shiiieet, I'm finna slide up in there"

2} verb, combat

"On G cuz, I'm real tired of that fool that keep playing wit me."
"Who? That nigga JT?"
"Yeeesss! He stay mad annoying homie, I'm telling you!"
"Maaan, why you ain't just slide him yet!? *Damn* I'm tired of ya'll flaming each other."
by Yo Mama’s Asshole January 26, 2021
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Slide (noun) - The hit of a Hyde and a cart, taken simultaneously. In result, feeling nic and high.
hey what we smoking? oh, we are taking slides. Word made by Haley, Darius, and Emily
by Darius-Haley-Emily November 11, 2021
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Fuck and then nothing else to it
I’m trying to slide on that one girl from the mall
by DEKUABITCH September 18, 2020
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