A large tow truck much bigger than a semi, and with a density that rival collasped atoms. This truck is located at the center of the earth and is responsible for 99% of gravity on this planet.
Billy build another super tow truck in his garage and upon completion it tunneled to the center of the earth and once combined to tow the first truck, created a gravity well so massive it destroyed the earth and altered the center of mass of the solar system.
by Anonymous October 10, 2002
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A sexual act involving at least two men and one girl. All three stand up facing one way and one man sodomizes the other man while he in turn fucks the girl from behind. The girl clamps her muscles on the second guy's dick and walks across the room, similar to a truck towing something
Jimbob and Joebob gave me a West Virginia Tow Chain last night!
by Charli XXX December 24, 2014
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a sacred rule in which you and your best mate, scavenge whatever food/alcohol is on offer, you then proceed to half EXACTLY the susbstance in which you have accquired
"wewww here, shes pure left a bit of apple pie likeeeeeee, hack-tow rule of half on this cunt likeeeeeeeeee"
by hacktow August 28, 2011
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A dope who thinks that driving a tow truck for minimum wage is an amazing career when in reality, they are just to stupid to work a real job.
Son, did you see that toothless homeless guy hanging around the convenience store, that’s the new midnight shift Tow-Life Low-Life.
by Pirate Lyfe October 6, 2021
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Describing a person/thing that is ugly from the waist down. Some one that is a hot mess, not to be confused with hott mess.
-Sally walks in-

Sally: How do I look?
Dave: Girl you look Tow up from the flo up!
by Jianei September 21, 2013
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