a word used to describe ones motor vehicle or other prized possesion. Often used by townie(s).
1."eh, that's one minited motor innit!"
2."eh, tel your mum that she was minted last night!"
by Goose666 April 9, 2004
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A way of describing something that is really cool or awesome. Or something that is fresh as fuck .
A: Was that movie the mint or what ?

J : So mint!
by The minty nerd? December 30, 2016
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Any sort of drug. Mints can be smoked, snorted, inhaled, injected, or swallowed.
Person 1: Cole looks high today
Person 2: He probably had some mints.
by The Very Goodly Bae February 16, 2017
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A mint is someone with a flat /no ass.
Jessica's such a mint, what would I do with that?
Emma's not a mint , look at it,it's huge!
by This is me pseudonym December 13, 2015
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Popular code word that is usually facilitaded with alcoholic beverages.
Yo, is you be gettin any mints tonight?
Fo sho, we is gonna get wasted
by Michael Reznike June 29, 2006
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A slang term to describe being stoned. Used in areas where youre not meant to be you can say your minted and only some people will know what youre talking about. Alongside this the word mints is used as slang for weed.

Example 1

Man 1 "Yo im fucking minted"

Man 2 "yeah man thats some good shits"

Example 2

Man 1 "Hey when can you get those mints"

Man 2 "I think the shops run out"
by Ricky-Acid October 28, 2007
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