by Bubba_The_Retard June 13, 2006
Every entire object,item or thing you own and you become a slave for ,for the rest of your life.The more you have and greedier you become,the bigger slave you become for your possesions.Yet the less you own the less slavery you will endure.
Garbologists have lots of them
Garbologists have lots of them
I am having a yard/garage sale as i have become a slave of my own shit and want less possesions.I don't have to pay for,store ,move or clean for them no longer.Now a new owner can pay me to slave for these possesions or i am throwing them in the garbage bin :)
by munyuck February 3, 2009
by HAFSNT August 30, 2017
by TheWorstIHaveEverBeen March 3, 2018
Took possesion - A less geeky way of saying, "Owned, or Pwned" coined on the forums.
by Montgomery Thug Branch July 20, 2004