6 definitions by The Very Goodly Bae


My foot is a size 13. My shoes are pretty big too...
by The Very Goodly Bae September 25, 2016
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A day that straight people act gay for their gay friend. If a straight guy has a gay friend, every Tuesday the straight guy becomes gay.
by The Very Goodly Bae February 16, 2017
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dumb teacher is like the same age as the kids
why does crelin look like she could be a senior? Oh, because she is the same age as one.
by The Very Goodly Bae November 3, 2017
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Que que que

Catholic Hispanic supremicist group. They discriminate against whites, blacks, and Protestants.
Person 1: Hey were you in the que que que rally last week?
Person 2: yeah I love killing people it's so fun.
by The Very Goodly Bae November 16, 2017
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Any sort of drug. Mints can be smoked, snorted, inhaled, injected, or swallowed.
Person 1: Cole looks high today
Person 2: He probably had some mints.
by The Very Goodly Bae February 16, 2017
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