A VERY mean phrase when, if heard, the user should be punished. It's like the phrase 'shut up' but 10x worse.

You should only say this when someone is being very irritating.
Bill: Hi Bob how's it going?
Bob: heck up
Bill: *gasp*
by TheGrantster101 March 26, 2018
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A person that doesn’t understand memes and isn’t capable of saying reee!
You: “Look at this meme John!”
John: “I don’t get it.”
by Name32307 May 1, 2019
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A complete and total screw-up. From President George W. Bush's infamous comment to FEMA chief Michael D. Brown while the latter was botching the federal response to Hurricane Katrina: "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job."
Ben Affleck, you're doing a heck of a job on Gigli.

The captain of the Titanic did a heck of a job.

Varus, you're doing a heck of a job with those Legions.
by Sebastian Gorkamorka October 4, 2005
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robert: what the heck is up with chris today?
tom:he got mono....
by michael chi December 1, 2005
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"i say old chap i seem to have got that lamp shade you left here stuck up my rimper" "flipping heck thats a bit of a bugger"
by w&f January 18, 2009
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The P g version of holy hell
as in what the hell / what the heck
A short phrase of exclamation holy heck that startled me
by coyote cook July 16, 2014
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