Order a Gordita Supreme at Taco Bell and lather it all over that babes sloppy meat curtain. Blowtorch your eyebrows off and listen to OMC's "How Bizarre" as you drive your fathers white windowless Ford Econoline rape wagon through Turnpike Toll Stops. When they pull you over two miles down the road from running toll stops and shooting sawed off shotguns out your window at schoolbus' next to you, show your sisters dirty chewbacca with all the open containers in your back seat to increase court fines.
Ridley - "Last Tuesday Was Total Toledo Turnpike Carnage. I Gave Myself The Stranger When In Captivity."
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When you shit in a plastic bag and wrap it around your partners head as a surprise. It is usually used as a way of foreplay.
Last night Kevin did a toasty Toledo and I’ve never been more turned on. We had sex all night
by Gurthy June 17, 2024
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When 2 men stick their penises in a Chinese finger trap to get them stuck and then begin to have a tug war.
Jack and Austin got drunk had had a Toledo Tugwar last night
by Tomheinz21 June 20, 2022
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A sexual position wherein the lady perches upon the man's shoulders and smokes a mentholated cigarette. No sexual intercourse is involved, but the woman must be a prostitute.
"I walked in on Pop Can Johnny doing a Toledo smokestack with the landlady. It smelled like Cleveland in there!"
by The Poper March 31, 2014
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This dude fucks so hard he makes girls queef on command.
Yo Adrian Lopez Toledo make that chick queef
by Dre hiz April 25, 2023
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Not too different from a Cleveland Steamer, a sexual act where a consenting adult lies on their back while their partner squats over them and has diarrhea on the reclined individuals lower abdomen. Ideally it runs down either side of their waist and down the crotch, resembling a speedo.
A: Hey, lover, how about a Cleveland Steamer tonight?
B: Unfortunately,I had some expire Kielbasa. How about a Toledo Speedo?
A: Tits!
by Ringo Dingo May 14, 2021
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The one that if someone presses it right, and the partner doesn't die, they never have to come up with a Fort Wayne Panic Button or a Flint Panic Button. If you tried to do it with someone you didn't trust though, at least one person could die.
These two guys doing the Toledo Panic Button didn't seem too trustworthy, so the new guy declined when they asked him if he wanted to do it, even if they thought he was a bitch for it.
by The Original Agahnim July 30, 2021
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