All the Johnny Pests drew hateart of Johnny Test just to get Johnny Test cancelled.
by CN19M3P41C July 7, 2023
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The only thing I have ever been addicted to. He is funny, smart, hot as fuck, and I'd bow down and worship him like the king he is anyday. He's the only one who holds the power. The only person who has ever captured my full attention and is powerful enough to hold the key that unlocks everything, anything, anyplace, anytime.
Damn, did you see Vanilla Johnny over there?

I did. I'd love to grab a coke with him tonight... I know that vanilla coke will be the best ever.
by youaremy#1 yo October 12, 2023
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the sexiest man alive young and old can make any man gay
johnny depp is so hot
by giannaiscool June 6, 2022
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When you smoke so much weed that you walk like Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean.
Woah dude... Clark got so smoked last night that he Johnny Depped all the way back to his house.
by Yoipman5000 April 5, 2019
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A leo rising person celebrity who has a powerful arudha lagna in his chart
by Raymanavich December 24, 2020
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Person A: “Can people shut up about this stupid Johnny depp vs amber heard shit”

Person B: “I know right! People are acting like they know who is right or wrong”
by Jellybish June 27, 2022
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Bugging someone constantly to finish a project or game they are working on and trolling them non-stop if they don't finish what they started
"Please just close this; OI is a joke, he creates fake games and has never released a beta or demo...Really?

@all the people being childish, learn to use the computer like neo dragon said and act your age. And i am emailing the leader of PC because i think its pretty ridiculous how people can spam my profile page calling me a Jacka** and stuff and how just in general you can swear on PC, i think it is sick..
I would advise you neodragon to just close this thread because it is getting no where, and is a waste of time, just like infinite rainbow was...he gets peoples hopes up and then creates a excuse on why he cannot further his game or release a demo.

All of you sticking up for OI will soon see why i am "being a troll". I too was a fan of OI when he was working on Infinite rainbow, but then he crushed that game, so i became mad at him for just throwing a perfectly good game away. O yea i forgot they are fake games, all he has is picturess of themm :)"
That would be Johnnying
by Pseudo-Legend August 29, 2010
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