three or mor people are in a circle and they all choose a vegetable each(carrot, suckatash, brussel sprout...) ad then cover their teeth with their lips (as if you're pretending to be a grandparent with no teeth.) First evryone says in chant "let's play he vegtable game, lets play the vegtable game!" while clapping their hands together, then on their laps ::clap::lap::clap::lap:: Then one person says their vegetable - how about peas... "peas to celery" (in 8 beats)then whoever is celery says "celery to cabbage" and whoever is cabbage says "cabbage to carrot"... and i hope u get it by now.
ok the rules: no hestating or repeating te person who just went, and the point of the game is to be the last person not showing their teeth. its actually prtty hard b/c u want to laugh so hard but u dont want to show ur teeth, get it?
everyone: lets play the vegtable game, lets play the vegtable game!
p1:carrots to brocolli
p5:brocolli to avocado
p2:avocado to peas
p3:peas to peppers
p4:peppers ... (smiles and is out of the game)
by Kat February 3, 2004
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The act of pleasuring oneself by the insertion of multiple produce items in rapid succession into the vagina or anus.
Because her boyfriend could not fuck her readily, dat chick gave herself a vegetable medley.
by ade2 November 11, 2007
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Anyone who plays video games more than they sleep. See also vidiot
"My son used to work at McDonalds, but he was such a video vgetable he got fired"
by Quentin August 1, 2003
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A very sad and depressing thing that vegetarians have created to make themselves feel better.
"Yo man! Look at my veggie burger!"

"Dude, that's not a burger, that's a vegetable pattie!"
by Fungus Pattie December 5, 2017
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A phrase formed by translating each character in its original Chinese form to an English word. Used to describe a poorly performing player in a video game. Slightly offensive.
Player 1: (gave 3 kills in 5 minutes in a League of Legends game)
Player 2: oh player 1 is a vegetable chicken.
by AniviaTheEmpress December 27, 2022
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The pubic hair that surrounds a woman's vagina
A contractor will be performing the annual prescribed burn of the lagoon vegetation on Saturday, November 28, 2009. Campus activity will be at a minimum, and weather conditions look favorable to complete this at that time. If there are any concerns, please contact Facilities Management.
by Lagoon Vegetation November 26, 2009
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A sex move where a male runs into a hospital naked, finds a disabled person, and nuts on them before security comes.
Jake why are you on probation!?”
“I was horny yesterday, and I pulled a Steamed Vegetable
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