(Verb) To experience the speedy, lifted, euphoric effects of the drug Adderall or generic Adderall. NOT to be confused with the "half-tweaked" or "zombie" state experienced by those who take it too often (marked by indifference, and a strange respiratory effect in some that produces a "Hkkekkuuhehkk" sound upon trying to sleep).
"Dude, I just wrote five pages in a half hour."
"Man, you're tweaking!"
"This is awesome!!"
"Don't turn into a zombie - you'd piss everyone off and make weird 'Hkk' noises.. like someone we know!"
"Yeah, I love tweaking, not half-tweaking!"
by KingOfOranges June 2, 2013
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1. To prefect something
2. Used to replace cool or related words in a sentence as an adjective

1. I totally tweaked my kickfilp today
2. Man thats party was tweak as !
by Ev-Dawg October 2, 2007
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verb. to play with a girl's tit until it stands up.
example: tweak me, baybay!!
by tosachi April 11, 2008
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made by the girls of (look up) st. joseph's academy--when a girl gets eatin out
girl- omg you got tweaked?!

girl- omg he tweaked you?!
by J April 7, 2005
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To Bone; Bonk; Do so on and so forth, but only with an ex-girlfriend. Not to be confused with regular sex.
"Went out last week and ended up tweak-in our ex"
by Dobern July 21, 2004
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(v) 1. To feel akward for someone for something they have just done.
(n) 2. That indescribable feeling of awkwardness for another person.
1. I was tweaking so hard for Derek while he was doing karoake.
I just have to tweak for Derek right now.

2. My Grandmother's house was such a tweakfest.
Say What Karoake is a universal tweak.
by Steve Torok November 26, 2005
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