The act of doing a deep dive into your email folders in the attempts to retrieve information.
I engaged in email spelunking while trying to find that invite to my brother's wedding.

No email spelunking allowed while crossing the street. It can be life-threatening!
by powerofslow April 1, 2012
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When your so deep in a girls ass, you're practically mining
So deep in her I was Cave Spelunking
by Tayne October 10, 2016
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One who enjoys vaginal sex or exploring a vagina. The darker the better.
That Jerome is quite the Skincave Spelunker when he’s with his lady.
by Hillco October 14, 2019
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v. Exploring the depths of the meaning of a word or phrase in order to tenuously defend a friend or client. A form of legalese.

When the rumours of sexual assault began circulating the press agent put on both his game face and his lighted helmet before engaging in some pretty tricky semantic spelunking.
by gnostic3 November 22, 2019
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Glacial spelunking is the act of inserting an ice cube in your partner's anus and then using your tongue to "cave dive" into said anus.
I heard John went glacial spelunking with Karen last night.
by LeonardoDiCaprigoat January 7, 2022
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While 69ing, the male partner forces his female companion to snort a line off of his dick before fornication, including but not limited to the sexual form of spelunking.
Hey Monica, is it true you and Erik did the "Columbian Spelunker"?????
by testosterone trowsers June 11, 2013
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A homosexual. Trunk spelunker is similar to ass pirate, rump ranger, etc. in its common usage.
So my boss seemed cool until he tried to give me the jump. He's a total trunk spelunker!
by partisan hack May 12, 2010
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