where you and your mate sign a contract, then you both cut yourself and then bleed onto a piece of paper to make sure you never break that contract for the rest of your life, and if you do, you are the ultimate homo.
me and my mate did a blood contract where we would swear to never bum bum choo choo chocolate tunnel if you know what i mean ;)
by dsquared&hdog June 8, 2021
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When a wager or bet turns sexual or rather homosexual due to an amount of $20 or more.

Originated from CBC high school in Kirkwood.
Woah dude, for a $20? This might turn into a CBC Contract
by CBC Kirk April 17, 2023
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"Hey Mary, Con Johnroy told me that he was sweating your contract."
by William of Oak Crest February 9, 2014
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When you are so excited for something that you actually have contractions. This occurrence happens with both genders and will typically cause intense butterflies in the stomach and jumping up and down.
"man, I'm so excited to go to the city, I'm getting excitement contractions"
by Hue555 January 12, 2019
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Person 1: Can you let me off the bill, please?

Person 2: Sure, but standard contract will apply.
by geoshelley November 26, 2013
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