n. to slam another's head into an erect pencil causing instant death; form of casual homicide; v. to perform the stated action; made popular by the Joker in "The Dark Knight"
No one volunteered after the pencil trick, so the show ended early and the magician was charged with first-degree murder.
by Reid "Mr Peepers" Golden July 28, 2008
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Ther eroused state of the male member. A throbbing boner, a chub, a stiffy.
Whoa dude. Check out that babe. She's so hot she's giving me a leaded pencil.
by Eaton Holgoode June 9, 2009
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a penis that is long and skinny; a penis that is commonly confused with a pencil.
"Hey Phil, are you using that or can I write with it?? " - girl
"No... that's my pencil dick" - Phil
by crunchwrapMP December 6, 2009
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1. To mark off a check list as complete without reading or doing any of the items on the list.

2. Checks resembling marks that left by a bull whip.

3. To blindly mark a checklist of items without reading or doing
The accident happened because John pencil-whipped the Pre-flight check list and didn't check the hatch.
by darkguardian January 6, 2012
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1. Someone who doesn't want to share his or her pencils.
2. A skinny bitch.
1. I needed a pencil but the pencil bitch wouldn't let me borrow one.
2. She so skinny, she a pencil bitch.
by HarryMcFartFace April 29, 2015
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A pencil person is some one that changes their phone number and or address so much that you dont dare write is down is your address book in ink.
From now on that Carla is a pencil person . Shes used up a whole page in my phone book she changes so much.
by Carmelo55555 May 2, 2008
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A receptacle, usually a small bag, or rather, a "case," used to contain pencils, as well as pens, markers, other obscure writing utencils. Also contained may be stationary items such as white out, white out tape, highlighters, paper clips, scissors, post-it notes, mini post-it notes, brightly colored post-it notes, post-it notes in fun shapes, mini staplers, mini staples, mini rulers, mini tape measurers, protractors, compasses, mini calculators, and the odd brad or two. Some students like to store their breathmints (preferred brand: vicky's mints) and/or pieces of gum in their pencil cases for easy access.
Pencil cases are available in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and patterns, usually a bit longer than the length of a pencil. Everyone has a practical use for one. Young third grade students may use the larger, plastic models to store their crayolas and gluesticks, while disgruntled eighth period honors precalc/ trigonometry teachers have a more complex model with many zippers and straps to organize contents. A dandy surprise content of a teenage student's pencil case would be a condom.
Sarah: "Meghan, wherever shall I store my pencil, mini colored fun shaped post-it notes, vicky's mints, and condom?"
Meghan: "Why, in your pencil case silly!"
by looking4inspiration March 20, 2005
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