
A pointy thing that can kill you
by A random Joseph appears September 30, 2018
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1. Male that comes into chat as *number.number inches* and loves all the ladies. He's also known to only say 1 or 2 words to most of them before trying to get them in bed and bang them!

2. He's also a sweet guy who doesn't always think with his pencil! Takes the time to chill out and breathe and help you with your problems rather it's about sex or not!
Pencil: :o Heyy!!
Lady 1: Hello.
Lady 2: Hey Pencil..
Pencil: Okay, Now let's have sex.

*What happens in the PC stays in the PC..*

by This is bullshit! January 16, 2009
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A dude that goes into a chat under
*number.numer*inches and loves all the ladies. He's only known to say 1 or 2 words to them before trying to jump them in bed and bang them!

On other hand he does take time to chill and breathe while helping others rather their problem is about sex or not! ;) haha. This is lame I know!
Pencil: Hi.
Lady 1: Hello!
Lady 2: Heyy!
Pencil: Ok, Now let's have sex.
by This Is Bullshit. January 16, 2009
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a magic stick made of wood. That leaves black magical bad luck on paper. about 15 centimeters long. used in harry potter number 8, where harry uses it to kill yet again (he who shall not be named). mwaha.
Harry: Ha Voldy, ill kill you with my pencil.
Voldemort (Voldy): NOOOOO!! Not the pencil!!!
by MaggyPotter January 20, 2010
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may i have your pencil?
by HOPE:) December 13, 2010
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It's is something that you can't afford
Person 1: "Bro, you can't afford a pencil
by Roasted Toested April 10, 2017
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