Jags is a word meaning 'many'. It was discovered by myself and a fellow bretheren back in late 2002 when we were in absolute dismay as to describe how much we had of a certain green substance. Utter Jags, we said, Utter Jags...
The crazy clown opened up with a rifle and killed 'JAGS' of people in a desperate attempt to resolve the differences within his psychopathic schizo mind. The clown was finally apprehended when utter 'JAGS' of police reinforcements arrived with that guy from Crank and kicked the crazy clowns ass back to clown school.
by Kultivator February 13, 2010
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abbreviation for jewish american ginger
Someone jewish from america who just so happens to be ginger
Arthur: ouch, i touched my hair and burnt myself.
jack: stupid ginger
Arthur: ouch, i touched my foreskin but then realised that it wasnt there.
jack: stupid jew
Arthur: Ouch, i havent eaten in 2 minutes and my stomachs rumbling
jack: stupid american, in fact your a JAG
by harrrissson robberrrts June 27, 2009
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Im so jags I could fuck a choir boy at Sunday Mass.
by Nel3211 March 30, 2012
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to fool one self or another
the idiot jag-ed himself

by ... October 22, 2004
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To excessively stroke one's penis until there is smegma around the penis.
Leewong couldn't bakadong last night so he end up jagging.
by Leewong April 21, 2006
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stands for: "Jewish American Gay"

JAG was created after JAP which stands for "Jewish American Princess".
So did you ever think you were going to meet a JAG?

I am totally into JAG's!
by The Fag-Hag October 13, 2009
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When you can't stop crying for a long time no matter how hard you try.
My sister had the crying jags this morning, but there was nothing we could do except let her finish crying.
by iNachoz July 30, 2009
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