The most trustable human ever

Sometime means but other times quite supportive blessed to have a friend like this.
by Vlalala November 24, 2021
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Formely known as "Voccaccio"
A martial art technique that specializes in throwing avocado in your opponent's guts.
Today I killed 2 men with the Avocadio-Le-Technicuo technique.
by The Avocado Man May 25, 2020
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When a cisgendered, heterosexual man masturbates to lesbian pornography.
Matthew was les jickling all night last night, hardly got any sleep!
by The Stubb Hub September 21, 2021
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An Italian satirical variety show. The problem is that it behaves like it was a inquiry program and people also believe that.
Boomer: Don't you know that anime is bad for young people? I saw it on "Le Iene".
Guy with common sense: Man, that program is crap.
by RVGamer06 May 8, 2022
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a person who disregards other people's feelings so they can get what they want, le socio is often pretending to be friends with someone to use them for rides, money or food.
Did you see le socio? He told Liam that they would vape together just so Liam would give him a ride.
by Joto June 12, 2015
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The lesbian equivalent of a Midlife Crises. In some cases this can be a femme suddenly deciding to explore their butch side several years too late into a relationship, or vice versa. In nearly all cases it usually involves one half of a couple suddenly deciding to radically change their style and chase after way younger (probably teenaged) girls.

Can be initiated by a "Lesbian Dragon" and will often later be the cause of "FLD".
Everyone agreed that things seemed to be going well between Jaclyn and Lou', then Jaclyn one day started wearing waistcoats and hitting on confused schoolgirls. Her mid-les crisis pretty much killed the relationship overnight.
by bamfstatic January 11, 2011
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The act of bailing a nosegrind, krook or nose manual on a skateboard when hittin a kink box at the skatepark

''Yo man you Jibb Le Brun'd that one!''
by Passer by January 23, 2012
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