Aussie Slang. The act of doing a poo while mooning someone.
The guy was shocked when the girl started to moon him, but even more so when it turned into a poon!
by Boots01 May 6, 2022
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When u have a drag on a high Nic hoon when ur sitting on the dunny and u get the Nic shits
Oi cunt imma boost gotta have a poon
by Youngslayer69 February 23, 2021
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1. Poon: A pussy
2. Poon: Goofy

I call people Poon Squad Leaders Poon Mascots Poon Gang Poon Ass Boyz or Girlz Poon Ass Nigga Poon Squad Poon Punes Poon Face Poon Mentality Fucken Poon Ignorant Poon
I asked my boss for a raise but he being a poon right now!

The captin of the team is acting like a Poon Squad Leader; with his leadership in Poonism! Lmfao
by jamaculent June 24, 2019
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Poon - verb, Pooned
To fail completely at something usually simple.
Jeff - "Hey John, how's the wallpapering going?"
John - "Oh mate, I totally Pooned it, none of the patterns are matching"
by Sil Sien April 6, 2017
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A Poon is approximately 10 milliliters of muc (aka cum, semen, wacky liquid, knuckle children, funny hose leakage, 500 grand of dept, the wormies, liquid dream killer...). One poon of muc is enough to perfectly fill one lightbulb casing.
Oh my god, a new record, 17 whole poons of muc in one ejaculation.
I'm about to muc, get ready to catch my poons.
This hot rod can hold 45 poons worth of muc.
by master poonway April 26, 2022
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