A male who is of an abnormally horny nature, who persists in attempting to seduce every woman in his immediate radius, despite their complete lack of interest.
"Marty: Well, any luck with the women last night?"
"Lee: No, man, I tried every one of 'em but no luck."
"Marty: you're such a fucking poon terrorist."
by bigtomandhismainliner September 15, 2009
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Dirty smut snowmen that chill on the side of the road in Mario Karts Frappe Snowland waiting for an unsuspecting driver to suicide bomb. Usually preys on those to shlammerfaced to drive in a straight line while playing Drunk Driving.
STAR POWER! Fuck you dirty Terrorist Snowman
by Kennysabigdumbbitch December 1, 2011
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One who fucks terrorists, or persons of a terrorist nature. Gingers may be included in this grouping. Can be shortened to TF.
Hey john, where is rachel tonight?
You mean the Terrorist Fucker?
Oh yea, shes with that new guy, the terrorist
by bloodyfoot May 9, 2011
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The ultimate tease! One who makes you cream using a variety of techniques; most often not including the use of hands or being in the presence of the panties he/she is terrorizing.
She sat in erotic agony as the Panty Terrorist explored the details of his intimate fantasies.
by Chryan20 December 12, 2020
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A person who engages in anal sex with an unwilling partner.
Often happens in prison.
Whoa what happened to you last night?

some intestinal terrorist got a hold of me in the showers.
by Poor Mans Orange November 30, 2010
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One who enters a group gathering, such as a party, to then leave the largest, smelliest poop; climb out the window, and re-enter the party.
Josh went to the bathroom only to find their had been a poop terrorist attack.
by Poopterrorist18 December 2, 2013
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Person who displays random acts of kindness during unlikely or unexpected situations for the purpose of creating confusion or alarm.
Some Sunshine Terrorist called our customer service complaint line to tell me what a wonderful job I was doing...
by Acharai November 29, 2010
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