This is a person who preforms the act of shitting on a persons face. After they shit on the persons face of they eat the shit, and wait. When they have to shit they shit back onto the person who shat on them first and this begins a never ending cycle to get the scary wongle diddley donlge to not haunt you in the after world. If you do it enough times he will in fact not haunt you in the after life. But there is no defined number, you must find this out yourself
Man I would love to wongle diddley dongle that girl. I need someone so that lord wongle diddley dongle will not haunt me in the after life.
by Lord Dongle Diddley Dongle -JW September 25, 2019
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A tight-knit group of people with joint cares, a singleness of mind, and a collective evaluative perspective on life.
God has brought this spackle my weenus dongle together in such a way that we identify and share with one another in Truth, Goodness, and Beauty. We care about eudaimonia (good that is desirable for its own sake, the highest human good, how best to live) for this group of friends collectively, but also for each person in the group individually.
by The Perfect Burrito December 20, 2022
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the penis that goes into your phonebussy
Insert the dongle.
by ptypsy July 4, 2022
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a cord you input to a device
"i lost my dongle lol"
by makinglunch March 15, 2018
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The small adapter (cord) that connects your headphones to your iPhone on an iPhone 7 or above. One end of the dongle is plugged into your phone and the other end to your headphones. The dongle is needed because in the iPhone 7 and above there is no headphone jack for some reason. It is small and easy to lose, and sounds like a word for penis.
"Hey man, do you have a dongle? I want to listen to music but I lost my dongle."

"Sorry, I have an iPhone 6. I don't want a phone without a headphone jack!"
by andpeggyyyy September 25, 2017
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(Psych): what Shawn Spencer thinks is slang for "penis"
Chief Vick: All we have is that the perpetrators took was Inspector Sloane's dongle.
Shawn: Oh my god!
Gus: It is not what you think.
by Fantasma_X January 3, 2019
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A person who leaches off people for certain things such as money or a place to stay.
Dave - "Can i borrow some cash for food"
Steve - "Dave ur such a f*cking dongle"
by KaerPsion May 9, 2018
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