1. Oh my god, he's got MAJOR OMG!!!
2. Because his uber OMG, it was impossible for him to wear skinny jeans.
by LittleBananas August 22, 2010
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Generally known as an abbreviation for "Oh My God."

According to asathecomic, OMG stands for "Olfonzo The Mexican Gladiator."
Don't make me get all OMG on this bitch.
by ravenshaw1 June 2, 2009
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The most annoying slang ever, especially when it's used out loud. It's slang for "Oh my god", since apparently teenage girls can't bear using an actual word.
"OMG like did u c that pic of Zac Effron? God hes sooo hawt."

An actual text I have recived. I immediately blocked her number.
by screwthiseverynameistaken December 2, 2020
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Bastardized form of omg, which is a bastardized form of oh! Often used by Asians with poor English (in my experience), but also used by others
Omgs, maybes I go to the market todays keke
by David March 24, 2005
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OMG=oh my god!A very very gay saying for i.m. but stupid people say it when just talking to friends! why cant they just go die if they want to be stupid people!
OMG did u see that girl she was so ugly!
by radest person ever April 13, 2007
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OMGS I just saw Avril Lavigne sing "Don't tell me". She's such a hardcore angst sk8tr, just like me.
by Pimonkey March 10, 2004
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