A phrase comonly used in Ringwood, New Jersey to express a state of absolute bakery in one's mind. One's lungs would have to consume approximately half an ounce to achieve such state of being in their own little world.
Billy - You aright? You look bugged...

Spanky - I'm good man, Shits mystical.
by Roryk January 14, 2006
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Most people who play the online game of "runescape" would know the term "Mystic Arrow" originates from the Latin word "hilaris," meaning gay or lesbian. The term "Mystic Arrow" may also refer to one who puts a dab of curry on their forehead and calls it a ghandi dot.
Nemo, that guy on guy action you had last night was totally mystic arrow.
by Chosbaba September 21, 2006
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1. The name giving to the legendary person that is often seen sprinting around the UK - England more the most.

No one knows who this person is, it just "mystically runs" passed at random times, too quick for you to see him (legend has it that it is a male - apparently)

Some have heard it cry out strange noises and cries. For example: "oooooooorly"

This could be some sort of distress call or perhaps a mating call to his true love - who, as legend has it, is the reason this person is running around the country.

2. One that runs in a mystical or stealthy manner
1. I was walking along one day when I heard "Ooooorly" then a figure flew passed at great speed. I must have been Mystic Runner

2 Person A: "Yo, yo, s'up guys"
Person B: "Hey how'd joo get passed security"
Person A: "Just call me a Mystic Runner"
by Mr S. Break(er) November 5, 2005
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When you whipe the ball sweat across a girl's lip.
Dude! I had some sweaty balls last night so i gave Jenna a Mystic River!
by Big Boy Bad Blow May 3, 2009
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A new weird meme. It's an image of tree with neutral/suspicious face.
I'm sick of viewing Wise Mystical Tree in my vk.
by ZeroNil October 10, 2022
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If you are over 25 and own a computer, this game is a must-have!
Bruh wtf up with that wise mystical tree bruh nahhhh
by Quasar_BBX October 14, 2022
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A name used to describe anyone who is either mystical, eats an abundancy of sprouts or is just an amazing person in general.
Guy 1: Hey man, do you see that man climbing that skyscraper?!
Guy 2: Yep, he is one mystical sprout-eater!
by YouCanCallMeBrian July 28, 2013
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