When a person drinks so much, they start puking endlessly...eventually filling up buckets full of it.
"Dude, Sam couldn't stop throwing up last night!"
"I know! She was so Mitched!"
by Katie is Radio August 15, 2008
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An asshole; That guy nobody enjoys being around. Commonly uses the phrase, "Shut up, fag."
"He kept telling me to shut up, and that I was a fag."

"What a Mitch."
by Brenda Murphy September 17, 2011
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When somebody only drinks half their drink and then just leaves it right where he drank it last and never comes back for it.
He just mitched that pop over there.
by champ of all champ February 11, 2010
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Royally screw up, botch something. Being an overall incompetent idiot.
Man at work today he really mitched it up labeling the boxes.
by The mustache August 29, 2020
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When someone stealthily hunts or pursues a persons facebook page that they are not even friends with and sometimes do not even have mutual friends with. They will stalk everyone from your mother to your 13 year old sisters facebook page.
Zach I think Mikey is mitching Eric's mother again!
by ultracotton September 3, 2015
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mitche is the name of a total cutie. she is usually asian (not a smart one) who likes kpop and kdrama. Good friend but likes to daydream about korean guys. noice
"look at that asian girl looking at hot korean guys! she must be a mitche
by koreanpandataekyung November 3, 2015
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Term used to describe female MIT students, most often of the bad variety. MITches are not only sexy, but they are smart and sexy. MITches are known for their spontaneity, love of food, and excellent taste in men and music. Upon meeting a MITch, you will proceed to feel an instant connection, and all of your other college choices will cease to be relevant. MITches are the epitome of “Work hard, play hard.” They are unbelievably smart and talented in whatever they do, while remaining grounded. If you date a MITch, consider yourself a lucky person in society. MITches don’t necessarily have to go to MIT either; if you meet a girl who is both truly smart and truly sexy, you have come across a MITch or a derivative of one. All in all, MITches know how to get it done and how to have a good tim
Janna: Dude, why the fuck would you chose MIT over Stanford? What’s your problem?
Eni: I love bad MITches that’s my fucking problem!

Guy #1: Dude I met the hottest chick last night, she blew my... mind away with her knowledge of astrophysics and math.
Lucas: Should have gotten her autograph, you just ran into a MITch.
by eniwaffles March 21, 2014
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