A male ejaculates into the belly button of his partner
"After pulling out, I gave her the Rhode Island hot tub."
by Jnizzle90 June 8, 2009
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Hooking up with a rando you met on a message board and broadcasting it via Google Hangout.
Dude, did you hear Tyler Durden actually thought he was trolling FirstAndMonday by hooking up with Olive in that cabin hot tub? Turned out to be a Spider 3 Y Banana reverse troll on him after she gave him that STD. ROFLCOPTERSAURESEX! She totally Hot Tub Slime Machined his ass!
by mooseshadows February 24, 2015
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pre-birth! -your first (subliminal) knowledge of the 'greatness of life', -before finding yourself in the hands of a gynecological nurse, awash in after-birth, all a-yowl!!...
for years i've been trying to find a way back to that catered hot-tub party

snapped to with a yowl!! after the catered hot-tub party!!
by michael foolsley October 31, 2011
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(1) A hot tub filled with intoxicated teenagers and/or young adults engaging in explicit sexual acts with each other.

(2) A great deal or bonus, one consisting of multiple payoffs. A multi-layered success.

Usually considered vulgar.
(1) Carla: "Yo Gabby, get ova here, they gotta hot tub o' fuckalilla and it's off the hizzook!"

(2) Andi: "Sam, Sam, when dey got da promotion, it was a real hot tub o' fuckalilla for da whole company."
by Luc Samatas April 24, 2009
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A disgusting video, I rather not watch it if you enjoy chocolate milk :), so a young guy is hooking up with 3 girls and one of the girl shitted in the hot tub by accident, so never eat before you go in a hot tub and always poop in the bathroom before you go into a hot tub. :)
Homie 1: yo who wants chocolate milk, I got these from walmart
Homie 2: Me!
Homie 3: ...
Homie 2: whats wrong homie 3?
Homie 3: uhh, Hot tub fail - the accident?
Homie 2 and 1: uhh...
by Homies3washere October 12, 2023
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When you're complaining about the little things in life which are not a big deal but for some reason now is one.
"Dude chill. Do you have frogs in your hot tub?"
by Sgt. Wetwipe May 15, 2016
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(3) An extremely attractive person, possessing obvious sex appeal and / or highly desirable traits (usually female).

Definitely considered vulgar.
(3) Jaime: "Mang, she was a hot tub o' fuckalilla. I wanted to hit tha' shit, but she was frontin'!"
by Luc Samatas June 10, 2009
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