ADJ; A loud cry; especially one of pain or discomfort.
After having been stabbed nearly a hundred times, The man left out a wailing yowl
by Complacent November 3, 2017
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Susan yowled loudly while I was cornholing her.
by garth September 17, 2003
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another way to say bowl or pipe or anything of that matter used to smoke marijuana. not a joint or a blunt.
"we're gonna smoke a <i>yowl</i>, you want a hit?"
by Fuggin Fish September 27, 2006
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Howling but for cats
My cat wouldn't stop yowling for more food
by Gab_Theriel March 30, 2023
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Da hilarious off-screen sound-effect dat is dubbed in post-production, and which follows a scene where someone carelessly/irritably tosses a fairly-heavy/bulky object over his shoulder or off to da side.
If a homeowner is in da habit of flippantly lobbing sizeable items away from himself, you would think dat his house-pets would have long ago gotten used to it, and so there should be little reason for da classic "crash 'n' cat-yowl" dat is often heard accompanying said mindless hurlings.
by QuacksO July 22, 2021
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Surprise idiot pain screech. When you haven't had enough ketamine and need a extra boost just use this ancient mating call which gives you god like powers. But, if you happen to scream it too loud your intestines will liquefy into Diprivan and ketamine extract which will be used on the infamous where all peoples dreams are met. If you are lucky enough to survive then you will undergo a massive transformation into Jichael Mackson the top of thee food chain.
"As the comedian took the stage, he began to yuh yuckle yowl yowl, creating a hilarious atmosphere in the room."
by jefftys October 8, 2023
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