1. A form of Japanese cartoon depicting sexual content, mostly on young women
2. The bane of any man's existence
by SomeSoviet November 14, 2017
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Hentai is a term used to describe anime porn for disgustingly lonely Japanese people.
Person 1:Hey bro were you just watching hentai?
Person 2:Dude, I have a life. But yeah why.
by David Plays March 22, 2018
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Adult versions of anime and manga. Contains nudity, sexually suggestive language, sexual acts, erotica, and sexual intercourse (often penetration in 2 or more orifices). Some of the best anime and manga fits this category ;^) .
Type up "hentai" on any search engine and see the examples for yourself. Unfortunately, most "hentai" sites either have bullshit links or are pay-sites :^( .
by AYB January 27, 2003
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Pornographic form of anime.
Japanese for pervert.
Many forms: Doushijin(Comic/Graphic Novel), Kawaii(Cute and clothed), Manga(Sometimes clothed, basic large eyes)
by Anonymous June 26, 2003
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1. Evil anime (let's just say "pictures") that controls your mind.
2. Means "pervert" in Japanese.
Dude! I just saw some hentai!
by Anonymous May 21, 2003
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A Japanese word for pervert. Shows explicit sexual pictures, movies, comics, and/or even games drawn in the Japanese animation style. Also in American usage, it more often refers to Japanese porn, especially in cartoons.

Simply its anime porn.
A common practice in hentai is to stretch the sex acts beyond the beyonds of normal human sex.
Zenas: "What are you doing Kristine?"
Kristine: ".....Nothing..."
Jonathan: "Sigh, she's at it again"
Zenas: "Her fantasies through the internet is just not right"
Kristine: "What?! NO! I'm..I'm playing tetris!"
Jonathan & Zenas: "She's a hentai fanatic"
by GaugeButt September 15, 2009
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A type of anime that is totally weird and fucked up. It features a lot of inter-species tentacle rape as well as a lot of other gayness and things that you flat-out will never want to see again. AVOID AT ALL COSTS!(see yaoi)
"Dude, I was on NewGrounds and clicked the wrong link and some weird-ass alien thing was attacking a 14 year old anime chick!"

"Gross, dude!! I told you not to search Hentai!!!"
by I Indeed Can See October 28, 2008
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