When you get so drunk you throw up in a urinal and then proceed to pass out next to said urinal.
by Slag shagger September 18, 2018
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A 7 second video of a man holding a camera walking into a room and then being greeted with a preteen playing minecraft and is mad because his PvP skills suck.
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A typical response to a mate who is asking you to do him a favour or something stupid.
Jim: Oi Bazza come crush some cones with us tonight g.
Baz: ..... Yeh Nah Get Fucked.
Jim: Righto cunt.
by ozzonic November 29, 2018
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Another Glasgow term (It probably goes further) that basically means 'Go Away' but in the usual sledgehammer terminology that only glaswegians know how to do.
Are you gonny get yirsel tae fuck, yir dae'n mah heid in stoatin that baw aff the grun!
by Tourists Will Thank Me One Day! February 15, 2005
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When someone asks you if you want to get drunk as fuck together, with tha boys!
Yo, bro you wanna get fucked up tonight?!?!!
by LarryEnticer August 22, 2017
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exclamation. usually used in lieu of terms you may hear and/or use on a farm or hear from a hillbilly, a blathering fool, or an employee at the DMV, such as "as crazy as all hell" or "my goodness, this silliness has taken control of his(or her) senses" or "this line is crazy long".
That is as dangerous as all get up and fuck. (or) Those two guys chasing the sheep towards the cliff are crazy as all get up and fuck.
by MillsFokk July 28, 2009
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