A subforum of Gaia Online where users rate and discuss their online personas known as "Avatars"; often referred to as the "AT".

Avatar Talk is known best for its strict, unwritten rules and guidelines based on color coordination and avatar theme.
Hands down, Avatar Talk is the greatest subforum on Gaia Online!
by Brad Meine March 14, 2005
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When the leg hair of two grown men momentarily touch and intertwine. The bonded men quickly pull away and give each other a head nod.
I was sitting at the bar on a hot summer day when a European man wearing 5 inch shorts sat next to me. There was no need to speak a word since we already greeted one another with an Avatar Handshake.

-Derived from the term tsaheylu; the process in which a Na’vi rider in Pandora develops a bond with his mount or other worldly creatures. It allows two beings to mentally connect and share information with one another as well as gain access to each other's physical senses; they can even feel the pain of whatever they are bonded to, amongst other things.
by Cubbyguy September 25, 2023
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On the social site Gaiaonline, a Rally is a wal-around flash space where you can show off your avatar. A rally avatar is dressed up to show off wealth and usually ends up looking like a messy train-wreck. These avatars usually have things like "The Lusty Scoundrel (Glistening Skin)", "Panda/Bear/Cloud Slippers" and various amounts of sparkles equipped to their avatars.
Jane: "Ugh, this thread is full of rally avatars, I'm outta here."
*navigates away from Rally page*
by MindOfVoid June 25, 2012
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Basically meaning something that resembles a virtual character such as a created character via cyberspace. Online role playing virtual environments as Second Life use avatars to portray life-like characters. Avatar has its origin in the Hindu religion as depicting role playing gods, hence a possible dualistic meaning, also.
Bobby plays so many role playing internet games, that sometimes I think he is a real life quasi-avatar.
by Guido1 March 17, 2008
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1. The 2009 film by James Cameron (terminator 2, aliens, titanic) about a paraplegic marine who gets caught in the middle of a war between a mining company and a native alien species (the na'vi) on the moon pandora.

2. an A-fucking-mazing movie!!
The Avatar movie was amazing, especially in 3D!!
by gooseman2009 January 4, 2010
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Condition in which a personal attraction is formed to an avatar of a person, often digital, rather than real, physical traits.
Person A:
"Sara enjoys his company online, but it seems they were unable to maintain their relationship very long once they met outside of cyberspace."

Person B:
"They are just another couple formed from Avatar Syndrome."
by Dr. JM November 23, 2011
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