The act of two or more bald males rubbing their hairless heads together in a friendly manner as a sign of greatness in the name of baldness.
by BaldMursesUnited September 14, 2023
Oh my Knob is a phrase taken from timed where the school would not let you curse openly. The prase its self is a classin word play of "oh my god" but 'God' is replaced with Life 'Knob' to not break that sacred 3rd amendment. 'Knob' is a slag word for dick which id a word that would not be allowed on school grounds except for lil richard. So what your really saying is "OH MY DICK" but with a clean word for dick.
by Oh My Knob Man February 8, 2018
by BeefyGorditaBoi February 18, 2018
The point at which you have no money to party. You "turned up" so many days in a row that you're "Knob Broke".
Hey Gigi, you going to the club this weekend?
Can't, i've been out the last three nights and now i'm Knob Broke.
Can't, i've been out the last three nights and now i'm Knob Broke.
by Jboymc February 14, 2017
A dick nob is a person that’s like a dickhead, but not. They’re stupid and rude and you hate them with passion. If someone makes a disgusting or misogynistic joke, they are a dick knob. If they take offence to it tell them to suck it up because It’s a fact. This person could either be racist, sexist, etc. If it’s a man and they’re being misogynistic, (sexist against women), they are a dick knob. If a woman is being a misandrist (sexiest against men), they are a dick job. If someone cheats on you. They are a dick knob. If someone makes a rape joke, or a “dark joke” that involves racism, misogyny, misandry etc, they are a dick knob. So on and so forth
by Taehyungsleftbuttcheekyt May 31, 2021
by shower curtain October 23, 2018
Nipples that are swollen or are bruised, usually after someone has been "titty twisted". Resembles the nipples being twisted like door knobs.
by Stan the Man 54 December 12, 2016