The First Amendment allows the people of the United States to voice unpopular opinions, preventing tyranny by the majority. It also allows people to assembly peaceable and allows the press to report fact and voice opinion without prior restraint. If we cannot petition our government for the redress of grievances we risk the hardening of a permanent majority into a self-enforcing bureaucracy.
Thomas Jefferson once said that if forced to choose between government without newspapers, and newspapers without government, he wouldn't hesitate to choose the latter. Assembly, the exchange of ideas, and understanding the actions of society keep us free, and are why the press was intended to be a de facto fourth branch of government.
Thomas Jefferson once said that if forced to choose between government without newspapers, and newspapers without government, he wouldn't hesitate to choose the latter. Assembly, the exchange of ideas, and understanding the actions of society keep us free, and are why the press was intended to be a de facto fourth branch of government.
"Free Speech is the right to yell, "Theater!" at a crowded fire."
- Abbie Hoffman, radical, describing the First Amendment
- Abbie Hoffman, radical, describing the First Amendment
by Memphis Jay March 8, 2008
by king of canada September 13, 2006
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Martin Sheen, Tim Robbins, and Susan "Saranwrap" are all covered by the First Amendment even if some people don't agree with what they say.
by fduck January 8, 2004
by krau_soles January 10, 2006
An individual or group of people who go to government buildings with a camera to get a reaction out of people. They claim that they're trying to protect people's rights but in reality they are just craving attention and trying to get hits for their videos.
Man 1. Hey, who's that douche bag with the camera spouting nonsense?
Man 2. Oh he's just one of those first amendment parasites. Pay him no mind.
Man 2. Oh he's just one of those first amendment parasites. Pay him no mind.
by Dirtywoody March 9, 2020
I am a first amendment auditor. And I have nothing better to do.
by Obamagame June 30, 2023
Refers to where you resignedly accept someone else's weirdo-type interest, opinion, assertion, etc., knowing dat it's a necessary "normalcy wrinkle" dat "comes wif da turf" in da allowance of free speech which we all are entitled to, even it means occasionally rolling our eyes at a particular individual's off-da-wall appearance, practices, or beliefs.
Tomboy girl, beamingly showing off a huge bullfrog she's just caught: Look at his cute face and big googly eyes --- isn't he just GORGEOUS???
You (smiling tolerantly and giving a First-Amendment shrug): Well, I never really thought about it, honey, but if you're into frogs, then I suppose he's absolutely DAZZLING...!
You (smiling tolerantly and giving a First-Amendment shrug): Well, I never really thought about it, honey, but if you're into frogs, then I suppose he's absolutely DAZZLING...!
by QuacksO November 12, 2023