A "Political Coyote Ugly" s when you are led to believe a political lie and regret having been scammed to believe it.

It is is much like the term coyote ugly which refers to the feeling of waking up after a one-night stand, and discovering that your arm is underneath someone who is so physically repulsive that you would gladly chew it off without waking the person just so you can get away without being discovered. Coyotes are known to gnaw off limbs if they are stuck in a trap in order to facilitate escape.
Man I was really believing that candidate last night until i found out everything he said was a lie. What a political coyote ugly.
by E Rad October 6, 2012
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Aka. P.D.S.; A major social and political problem where an individual to identify as being a supporter of one political party and or ideology, but then changes their identity and or ideology done often times to better align with their values and beliefs. Rather than accept their identity as being part of who they are and move on, the individual will strenuously deny that they ever had that identity and will overtly take political stances and mobilize on issues that are consistent with what their new political identity; in order to make their new identity seem more legitimate to themselves and other people and or to help them deal with the fact they feel embarrassed and or guilty because of their former political identity. People with this often times endure a lot of fear that people will not see them as being a legitimate supporter of the new political party and or ideology they use, emotional and mental restlessness caused by their belief they have to actively work to make up for their former identity, and or intense guilt for having their previous identity.
Marvin: Why does Stacy always seem to talk about politics. I understand that she is passionate about her beliefs, but she does not need to talk about it constantly.

Janet: I think she has political denial syndrome. If I’m recalling correctly, she used to be a republican, but after having some issues related to Trump’s actions and the capital riots her beliefs shifted to strongly favoring the democrats. Because of all the things the republicans did and the fact she had backed them in the past, she may feel that she has to make up for having that identity because she may feel indirectly responsible for what happened because she voted some of the politicians responsible for it. It could also be that she could be embarrassed by her former identity and her actively discussing her views is one of the ways she deals with discomfort.
Marvin: No offense, but, in a way, it almost sounds like she could need counselor or a good friend to talk to help her deal with her discomfort and stress if that is the case.

Janet: Yes, I think your right about that.
by Vanguard 1998 May 5, 2021
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A person who is trendy when it comes to being a political hypocrite.
Ronny spent months on Facebook screaming, "LOCK HER UP!" Now he's totally cool with all of the people on Trump's team who use private email. His friends aren't complaining either because they're all political hypsters - It's his team this time.
by Disposable Alias October 4, 2017
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A white female who talks about how bad white people are to black people
"Linda is over there apologizing about being white to a black person, what a Political Pick me!"
by Landiah February 11, 2022
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Ppl (mostly girls) who like to run they mouth; Snitches
Yo watch what you do around Saarah she political everyone will end up knowing what you do keep that shit private.
by stfutbm January 15, 2022
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how to respond when someone types or says something that makes no sense
"woah dont get too political there"
by morefuntomiss April 22, 2022
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1: An individual who politicians, think tanks, and interest groups consult to learn more about a particular political topic or policy issue and or provide suggestions on what types of policies could be made to help address the issue. It should be noted you don’t necessarily have to have a college degree or work in a career field that deals with the area you have expertise in.

2: A person who is very well informed about what very well informed about what is happening in government on various levels and makes an intensive effort to keep other people informed of what is happening in the government. They know what numerous famous individuals, politicians, businesses, and organizations are doing on a variety of political issues in various government jurisdictions. They use social media and or blogs as the main way they keep the public informed on what is happening.
Leonard knows a great deal about cybersecurity and how social media companies design algorithms to suggest content to users of that platform and monitor user’s activities on that platform. They are a political specialist.
by Vanguard 1998 December 2, 2021
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